Um, OK... so would you reckon I could pop into their office and order up a big serving of that world famous Understanding(R)? or do you think I 'd have get that as a side dish along with one of their policy papers?
I wonder what is the secret 11 herb-and-spices that they put into this mythical Understanding(R)? Is that the reason they had it registered it as their trademark? Maybe if it is not registered then other insurance vendors can offer up the same dollop of meaningless marketing crap...
Ahhh, marketing departments, you just gotta love them...
Understanding means statistics. Better statistics means they can rip off more from you. Those over 50s have cars that are like tank, made from metals that doesn't even have a slight scratch after crash. By excluding all the young drivers, but only offer competitive insurance cost, they in fact use the Understanding(R) to get more profits. Those over 50s rarely reduce their premium to increase their excess, more dollars for the company again.
If you check their website, they offer almost all different types of insurances, except life insurance, that's understanding.
LOL... love the last line
Yeh, they understand what brings money to them haha
exactly, marketing crap
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