02 January, 2007

Good Start to the Year...

Welcome back to my inane blog and I wish you all a happy, peaceful new year...

To kick off 2007, please allow me to be self-indulgent here and begin my first blog entry of the year by talking about ME... and my experience of New Year Eve just two nights ago :-)

Like a million other Sydney-siders, I made the pilgrimage down to the Sydney Harbour to catch a glimpse of the world famous firework display. I was kindly invited to go with a friend and a group of her friends, most of whom I didn't know very well.

We journeyed to the swanky suburb of Kirribilli at around 10:30pm and park ourselves on a tiny public jetty (right next to the Prime Minister's residence) and waited for over an hour for the sparks to fly.

My estimate would be at least 250 patient party people on this itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny jetty, counting down the remaining seconds of the year. I was rather sadden by the fact that the jetty didn't broke off from its mooring and slither screaming into the water... that would have been rather fun to be a part of :-D

While the ensuing fireworks was absolutely magnificent, I must say the highlight of the night for me was to stand there on this narrow jetty's walkway (no wider than two metres), and was asked by my friend to guard her close friend who is (by my standard) quite a fetching female.

So... for the last hour of 2006, I was nuzzling up to this young lady, with my arms around her, body nudging snugly against hers... doing everything I can to shield her against all the loud drunk pushy over-weight sweaty half-naked blokes that was getting on and off the jetty for no apparent reason.

I must say, it must have felt like a decade since I was this intimate with a woman. To taste the aroma of their hair, caress their soft forearm and feel their warmth against my torso. Sure, I hardly know the girl and there were hundreds of people on the jetty, most of them have rubbed up against me at some point during the night. Nevertheless, it was very comforting to end the year on such a chivalrous note.

You can call me sad or laugh at my prudishness, but I see it as a good ending to a year and I hope that 2007 will bring more of the same...

If you have any good experiences with NYE please leave a comment to share with us...


Many cheers to you and to a brilliant 2007!

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